Beby at Home

Our distinguished “Baby at Home” program through gestational surrogacy encompasses clinical procedures, forging connections between intended parents and surrogates, and providing legal counsel in the baby’s birth country.

It is a guaranteed program where we assure transparency, where clients can be confident of a comprehensive, one-time payment without hidden costs.

Simple Process

Achieving one (1) pregnancy with a surrogate for either individual biological parent or biological parent couple.

Double Process

Executing two (2) concurrent processes involving one or two biological parents with two surrogate carriers.


Our services guarantee maximum care and support throughout the surrogacy process.

Comprehensive clinical care from program inception to the baby's homecoming.

Access to our proprietary egg bank in Colombia and Argentina.

Coordination of medical, psychological, legal, and lab appointments.

Rigorous medical oversight of the surrogate's pregnancy.

Emotional and psychological support for all parties involved.

Legal guidance in alignment with local surrogacy laws.

Assured confidentiality for everyone involved.

Legal facilitation to confirm the baby's relationship with the intended parents.

A dedicated Patient Care Department for addressing queries and concerns.

Path to Parenthood

Our Baby at Home program has 7 fundamental steps to achieve the birth of your baby.

IP Onboarding

Personalized attention to provide general information about the program.
Legal advice throughout the process.
Contact with the IP Coordination for the start of the clinical process.


Intended Parent

Selection of donors through "Make a New Family" website.

Fertility Process

Donors screening.
In Vitro Fertilization treatment (including the preservation of embryos and the creation of embryos).


Start of the clinical process with the surrogate.

Fertility Process with Surrogate

Endometrial preparation.
Pregnancy test.


Surrogate Mothers & IP Match Grandes Corazones

Process with the Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit

Ultrasounds and pregnancy controls.
Psychological support.


IP & Surrogate Support

IP Contact Points

Accompaniment to IP and surrogate during birth.
Nursing service.
Pediatric consultations, and hearing and vision screenings for your baby.


Legal Process

Civil registry of birth.
Final documents.
Challenge of maternity.




Services included

Includes the following tests: hormonal profile, serological profile of both, immunological profile, coagulation and thrombophilia profile, thyroid profile, metabolic profile, andrological profile, transvaginal ultrasound, hysterosonography and/or hysteroscopy, Fertilex infectious profile and endometrial biopsy.

Includes the following tests: hormonal profile, serological profile, genetic profile, transvaginal ultrasound, psychological assessment.

Encompassing necessary IVF treatments with ovodonation and/or own eggs (if it meets medical criteria). Embryo conception and PGT-A of all embryos resulting from IVF treatments.

All necessary embryo transfers to the surrogate are included in the program until the pregnancy is attained.

Includes all pregnancy ultrasounds, lab tests, controls and the NIPT testing for the surrogate.

Covers all drugs for endometrial preparation, pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.

All legal services needed for the affiliation of the baby born with the intended parents, in the country where the birth occurs.

Continuous online support and in-person assistance by trained personnel during childbirth.

Provision of a nurse for the initial 48 hours post-hospital discharge.

Our allies

We are an organization dedicated to helping couples who are facing fertility problems and wish to start a family. Our mission is to provide our patients with access to high quality eggs so they can fulfil their dream of starting a family.
A dedicated non-profit, Grandes Corazones channels funds from IVF aspiring parents towards supporting surrogate mothers, with a core emphasis on discretion and confidentiality. The foundation aims to ensure surrogate well-being, offer counselling, and foster a supportive surrogate community.

Contact us at
to learn more!

If you are looking for information or want to schedule your first appointment, fill out our form and we will contact you.

Celagem | Colombia

Bogota, our original headquarters, is a cosmopolitan city full of history. With a temperate climate and a diverse and friendly population, Bogotá is undoubtedly a city that captivates its visitors.

Celagem | México

Located in the capital of Mexico and one of the largest and most populated cities in the world. The city is home to a wide range of tourist attractions. Known for its vibrant art and culinary scene, as well as its numerous museums and archaeological sites.

Celagem | Argentina

Located in one of the most elegant and vibrant neighborhoods of the city. It is characterized by its architecture and tree-lined streets. It has a wide range of restaurants, bars and stores. An ideal place to stroll, enjoy the gastronomy and discover the porteño culture.